Valentine's Day Flower Bouquet & The Velvet Box (Red Velvet Cake in Chocolate Heart Shaped Box) 情人節花束及心形紅絲絨蛋糕
The Velvet Box (Red Velvet Cake in Chocolate Heart Shaped Box) 心形紅絲絨蛋糕
Valentine's Day Afternoon Tea Set Takeaway (Two Persons) 情人節雙人外賣下午茶
Lunar New Year Afternoon Tea Set Takeaway (Two Persons) 雙人賀年外賣下午茶
Pistachio-Mandarin-Raspberry Cake 1.5 Pounds 「吉星福到」開心果柑橘紅桑子蛋糕(1.5磅)
Guanaja Chocolate Daquiose Cake 榛子醬朱古力蛋糕
Red Velvet Cake 紅絲絨蛋糕
Fruit - Vanilla Mille-feuille (Strawberry/ Mango / Mango & Strawberry) 拿破崙 (芒果、士多啤梨或芒果及士多啤梨)
Chocolate and Framboise Mille-feuille 朱古力紅莓拿破崙
Fresh Fruit Cream Cake 法國忌廉鮮菓蛋糕
Black Forest Cake 黑森林蛋糕