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Terms & Conditions

  • The e-Shop items are available for purchase through Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong e-Shop only.
  • Full payment is required upon ordering to guarantee order.
  • The order cannot be refunded nor replaced once payment is confirmed.
  • The order is not redeemable for cash and cannot be exchanged for any other products or services.
  • The order cannot be refunded nor replaced if lost and will be invalid if order confirmation is found defaced or altered.
  • The product purchased cannot be used for resale, or for other commercial activities.
  • All e-Shop offers cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers or members discount.
  • Product purchase confirmation is for one-time use only. No credit or change will be given for any unredeemed portion.
  • All e-Shop items purchased must be redeemed on the date, time, and venue selected, and are invalid after expiration.
  • All e-Shop takeaway items require advance order and available for redemption and pick up at the Cake Shop, Hotel Lobby Level. Delivery service is available with additional delivery fees. Our team will contact you directly for delivery arrangement.
  • Cakes and Pastries require advance order and are available for redemption at the Cake Shop, Hotel Lobby on your selected pickup date between 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Delivery service is available with additional delivery fees. Our team will contact you directly for delivery arrangement.
  • In Hong Kong, it is illegal to sell alcohol to any person under the age of 18. By placing an order with Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong, the customer confirms and warrants that he or she is at least 18 years old. We may request proof of age from the person accepting the order.
  • Advanced reservations are required for all Spa services and subject to availability. Please contact the Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong Spa at (852) 3196-8900 or, from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. for reservation.
  • All images of products are for reference only, and may differ from the actual product. Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong reserves the right to change, revise, supplement, suspend or discontinue orders at any time without prior notice after the confirmation of the transaction.
  • In case of dispute, Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong reserves the final right.
  • 網上商店產品只可透過香港四季酒店網上商店購買。
  • 訂購時需全額付款以確認訂單。
  • 一旦確認付款,訂單將無法退款或更換。
  • 訂單不可兌換現金及更換其他產品或服務。
  • 如有遺失訂單,恕不作退款或補發。如發現訂單確認有污損或塗改,訂單則作無效。
  • 產品不可轉售或用於其他商業活動。
  • 所有網上商店優惠不可與其他推廣優惠或會員折扣同時使用。
  • 訂單確認僅供一次性使用,未兌換商品將不會給予任何積分或找續。
  • 所有網上商店產品必須在所選日期、時間和地點兌換,逾期無效。
  • 所有網上商店外賣產品均需提前訂購,並可在酒店大堂的四季餅店兌換和領取。網上商店提供送貨服務,但需支付額外的送貨費用。我們的團隊將直接與您聯絡以安排送貨事宜。
  • 蛋糕和糕點需提前預訂,並可在選擇的取貨日期的上午10時至晚上8時在酒店大堂的四季餅店兌換。網上商店提供送貨服務,但需支付額外的送貨費用。我們的團隊將直接與您聯絡以安排送貨事宜。
  • 在香港,向任何未滿18 歲人士出售酒類屬於違法。通過香港四季酒店網上商店訂購相關產品前,需確保客人至少年滿18 歲,我們可能會要求接受訂單的客人提供年齡證明。
  • 所有水療服務均需提前預訂,並視乎供應情況而定。預訂及查詢,請於上午 10 時至晚上 11 時致電 (852) 3196-8900 或發送電郵 與香港四季酒店水療中心職員聯絡。
  • 所有產品圖片僅供參考,可能與實際產品不同。香港四季酒店保留在訂單確認後作出更改、修改、補充、暫停或終止訂單的權利,恕不另行通知。
  • 如有任何爭議,四季酒店保留最終決定權

Gift Card and e-Gift Card

  • Gift Card and e-Gift Card are only redeemable at Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong.
  • Gift Card and e-Gift Card are valid for one year (365 days) from the date of purchase. The card cannot be extended, and is not valid after expiration.
  • Gift Card and e-Gift Card are eligible to redeem and settle as complete or partial payment for accommodations, dining, spa services and any incidental charges directly charged by Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong.
  • Gift Card and e-Gift Card can be used for selected products at Four Seasons Cake Shop.
  • Should the charges exceed the stored value of the Gift Card or e-Gift Card, guest can choose to settle the balance by cash or credit card. If the card is redeemed for charges that are less than the value of the card, the unused balance will remain on the card.
  • If the Gift Card or e-Gift Card is used to settle accommodation expenses, please inform our Reservations Team at time of reservation, and quote the serial number on the Gift Card or e-Gift Card.
  • In the case of e-Gift Card, it can be printed out for redemption or shown to hotel staff on a mobile device.
  • Gift Card or e-Gift Card must be presented at time of check in and/or prior to purchases or services rendered.
  • Only original Gift Card or e-Gift Card will be accepted. No photocopy will be accepted.
  • Gift Card and e-Gift Card are no eligible for top up, non-redeemable for cash, non-exchangeable for cash for unused balance, non-refundable and non-replaceable if lost or damaged. The printed e-Gift Card will be invalid if found defaced or altered.
  • Check your Gift Card or e-Gift Card Balance here
  • 禮品卡及電子禮品卡只限於香港四季酒店兌換。
  • 禮品卡和電子禮品卡由購買日期起一年(365 天)內有效。不可延期,逾期無效。
  • 禮品卡和電子禮品卡可用作支付住宿、餐飲、水療服務和香港四季酒店收取的任何雜費的全部或部分費用。
  • 禮品卡和電子禮品卡可用於購買四季餅店的指定產品。
  • 如果費用超過禮品卡或電子禮品卡的餘額,客人可以選擇以現金或信用卡支付帳單餘額。如果禮品卡所兌換的費用低於卡內餘額,未使用的餘額將保留在禮品卡內。
  • 如使用禮品卡或電子禮品卡支付住宿費用,請在預訂房間時與職員聯絡,並提供禮品卡或電子禮品卡上的卡號。
  • 如使用電子禮品卡,可以先列印以作兌換或以電子設備向酒店職員出示。
  • 必須在登記入住時和/或在購買或提供服務前出示禮品卡或電子禮品卡。
  • 僅接受禮品卡正本或電子禮品卡。不接受列印副本。
  • 禮品卡和電子禮品卡不可充值、不可兌換現金、不可兌換未使用餘額成現金、丟失或損壞亦不可退款和更換。列印的電子禮品卡如有污損或塗改則作無效。
  • 按此查詢禮品卡和電子禮品卡的餘額