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Goat Evolution - Flight Goat Evolution 雞尾酒套裝


KID - 100 ML
Bruichladdich The Classic Laddie + Strega + Ratafia Rossi + Absinthe + Cherry

BUCK - 100ML
Goat Butter Michter's Rye + Campari + Barolo Chinato + Salted Lapsang + Talisker 10

Goat Butter Michter's Rye + Vegan Goat Extract + Cynar + Fino Sherry

KID - 100毫升
布萊迪經典萊迪威士忌 + 意大利女巫利口酒 + 櫻桃酒 + 苦艾酒 + 櫻桃

BUCK - 100毫升
山羊乳油洗美國酩帝黑麥威士忌 + 金巴利香甜酒 + 鹹味正山小種紅茶 + 泰斯卡10年威士忌

BILLY - 100毫升
山羊乳油洗美國酩帝黑麥威士忌+ 純素山羊提取物 + 意大利苦開胃艾酒 + 雪莉酒


Terms & Conditions:

  • Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business. By placing an order, the Customer confirms that he/she is 18 years old or above. The person may be required to present identification for proof of age upon pick up or the order shall be withdrawn. 
  • Each email confirmation for cocktail takeaway can be redeemed only for the selected product
  • Redemption of the cocktail is valid at ARGO on the Lobby Level from Monday to Saturday (5pm to 11pm) at Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong only
  • Each email confirmation for cocktail takeaway can only be used once and is not exchangeable for cash
  • Email confirmation for cocktail takeaway cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts and promotions
  • Lost email confirmation for cocktail takeaway will not be replaced nor its value refunded
  • Email confirmation must be presented upon redemption. Original price will be charged in absence of the email confirmation
  • Purchased cocktail takeaway is non-refundable and is not for re-sale or other commercial purposes
  • In case of any dispute, the decision of Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong shall be final
  • For inquiries and bookings, please contact our Cake Shop at 3196 8159 or email

  • 根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。購買酒類產品的人士必須年滿18歲。客人在提貨時有可能需要出示身份證明文件以作證明,否則該訂單將被撤回
  • 每張酒類產品自取電子確認郵件只適用於兌換指定的酒類產品
  • 已購買的酒類產品可於週一至週六下午5時至晚上11時期間在ARGO自行提取
  • 每張酒類產品自取電子確認郵件只能使用一次及不可兌換現金
  • 酒類產品自取確認郵件不可與其他優惠同時使用
  • 遺失的酒類產品自取電子確認郵件將不予補發,也不會退還其價值
  • 兌換時必須出示已購買的電子確認郵件作憑證,如未能出示電子確認郵件, 須以正價付款
  • 已購買的酒類產品不可退款,也不可轉售或用於其他商業用途
  • 如有任何爭議,香港四季酒店保留最終決定權
  • 如有任何查詢或預訂,請致電3196 8159或電郵至 與餅店團隊聯絡

    Goat Evolution - Flight Goat Evolution 雞尾酒套裝
