Lung King Heen Gourmet Hamper 龍景軒精美禮盒
Lung King Heen Homemade XO Sauce 龍景軒秘製X.O.醬
Lung King Heen Signature Tea 龍景軒精選茗茶
Homemade Granola 自家製燕麥片
Dried Conpoy 優質元貝
Palmier in Tin 罐裝蝴蝶酥
Biscuits Sablé Diamant 法式沙布列鑽石曲奇
Homemade Toasted Nuts 自家製雜錦果仁
Belleruche M. Chapoutier | France 精選法國紅酒
Terms & Conditions:
- Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business. By placing an order, the Customer confirms that he/she is 18 years old or above. The person may be required to present identification for proof of age upon pick up or the order shall be withdrawn
- Delivery charge per Hamper: Hong Kong Island - HK$200 / Kowloon - HK$300 / New Territories - HK$500. Please contact Cake Shop team at 3196 8159 from 10am to 8pm or email cakeshop.hongkong@fourseasons.com
- Each email confirmation entitles the holder to redeem the purchased item
- Each email confirmation can only be used once and is not exchangeable for cash
- Email confirmation cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts and promotions
Lost email confirmation will not be replaced nor its value refunded
Purchased item is non-refundable and is not for re-sale or other commercial purposes
- Redemption of the purchased item is only valid on your selected pick-up date and no extension will be allowed. Guests must present the email confirmation for the purchased items upon redemption. Original price will be charged in absence of the email confirmation
- The purchased item can be redeemed during above captioned period at the Cake Shop on the Lobby Level from 11am to 8pm at the Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong only
- 72-hour advance purchase is required
- In case of any dispute, the decision of Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong shall be final
- For inquiries and orders, please contact Cake Shop at 3196 8159 from 10am to 8pm or email cakeshop.hongkong@fourseasons.com
- 根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。購買酒類產品的人士必須年滿18歲。客人在提貨時有可能需要出示身份證明文件以作證明,否則該訂單將被撤回
- 每個禮品盒運費:香港島 - HK$200 / 九龍 - HK$300 / 新界 - HK$500,詳情請於上午十時至晚上八時期間致電3196 8159或電郵至cakeshop.hongkong@fourseasons.com 與餅店聯絡
- 電子確認郵件持有人可憑郵件確認兌換已購買的指定貨品
- 每張電子確認郵件只能使用一次及不可兌換現金
- 電子確認郵件不可與其他優惠同時使用
- 遺失的電子確認郵件將不予補發,也不會退還其價值
- 已購買的貨品不可退款,也不可轉售或用於其他商業用途
- 電子確認郵件只適用於你所選取的日期當天兌換已購買的貨品,並不可延期。兌換禮券時必須出示電子確認郵件作憑證,如未能出示電子確認郵件, 須以正價付款
- 賓客可於上述日期內的上午11點至晚上8時期間在香港四季酒店大堂樓層的餅店領取已購買的貨品
- 此貨品需要提前72小時訂購
- 如有任何爭議,香港四季酒店保留最終決定權
- 如有任何查詢或預訂,請於上午十時至晚上八時期間致電3196 8159或電郵至cakeshop.hongkong@fourseasons.com 與餅店聯絡
Lung King Heen Gourmet Hamper 龍景軒精美禮盒
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